Most people accepted the occurrence of the Zombie Apocalypse and were content to join the story where it began. The more curious among you had questions. Occasionally I am asked what triggered the Zombie Apocalypse, where did it come from and, how did it spread so quickly? This collection of stories answers these questions. But to be honest with you, the answers won’t help you sleep any easier at night, nor will they alleviate your fear of the dark. In fact, you’ll regret your curiousity and wish you’d remained ignorant of the things lurking in the shadows.
These stories take place in a world where the words ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ aren’t as clear cut as they are to someone sitting in the comfort and safety of their own home. Sometimes people must make hard choices. Choices with no fair outcome. Hopefully, they choose the course of action that does the least amount of harm.